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496 listings found. Showing results 341 to 360
GB 1925 Wembley set vf mint

GB 1925 Wembley set vf mint [sa 8o0539]

NZ $39.37


GB 1924 Wembley set MNH sg430-1 cat £30

GB 1924 Wembley set MNH sg430-1 cat £30 [sa 6i0181]

NZ $17.72


GB 1918 5s Bradbury vf mint corner example sg416

GB 1918 5s Bradbury vf mint corner example sg416 [sa 8o0823]

NZ $314.99


GB 1915 2/6d sg406 variety partial doubling of print MNH

GB 1915 2/6d sg406 variety partial doubling of print MNH [sa 6m1169]

NZ $629.98


GB 1902 5s sg263 die proof in black on glazed card ex De La Rue archives c£3500

GB 1902 5s sg263 die proof in black on glazed card ex De La Rue archives c£3500 [sa 6y0538]

NZ $2,067.14


GB 1891 £1 green sg212 variety PA spur on lower right corner vf mint, lovely colour cat £3500++

GB 1891 £1 green sg212 variety PA spur on lower right corner vf mint, lovely colour cat £3500++ [sa 8o0827]

NZ $3,445.23


GB 1883 5s on blued sg176 vfu, gentle bluing although 1890 cds is a trifle late for blued, not certified cat £4000

GB 1883 5s on blued sg176 vfu, gentle bluing although 1890 cds is a trifle late for blued, not certified cat £4000 [sa 8p004]

NZ $590.61


GB 1879 1d McCorquodale dummy stamp imperf blk of 4 in claret, Spec Fig 8L

GB 1879 1d McCorquodale dummy stamp imperf blk of 4 in claret, Spec Fig 8L [sa 3w0188]

NZ $187.03


GB 1841 2d pale blue plate 4 AB vf mint 3 good margins, 4th touching c£7500

GB 1841 2d pale blue plate 4 AB vf mint 3 good margins, 4th touching c£7500 [sa 8s0135]

NZ $1,378.09


GB 1951 Festival high values set 2/6d - £1 MNH

GB 1951 Festival high values set 2/6d - £1 MNH [sa 8i0096]

NZ $68.90


GB 2003 Machin £1.50 - £5 azure Iriodin ink um s.g.Y1746-9

GB 2003 Machin £1.50 - £5 azure Iriodin ink um s.g.Y1746-9 [sa 8o0355]

NZ $29.53


GB 1994 Crown design postage dues set of 9 MNH

GB 1994 Crown design postage dues set of 9 MNH [sa 8o0681]

NZ $35.44


GB 1982 Postage Dues set 1p - £5 um

GB 1982 Postage Dues set 1p - £5 um [sa 9c0794]

NZ $19.69


GB 1966 Birds phos missing greenish yellow, unique arrow blk um Brandon cert - exhibition item c£8000 ‡

GB 1966 Birds phos missing greenish yellow, unique arrow blk um Brandon cert - exhibition item c£8000 ‡ [sa 8e0314]

NZ $7,481.06


GB 1959 Postage Dues set MNH ½d - £1

GB 1959 Postage Dues set MNH ½d - £1 [sa 8m1140]

NZ $59.06


GB 1959 Phosphor Graphite set of 8 MNH

GB 1959 Phosphor Graphite set of 8 MNH [sa 8o0336]

NZ $70.87


GB 1958 Crown wmk inverted set of 9 MNH good perfs

GB 1958 Crown wmk inverted set of 9 MNH good perfs [sa 8g0347]

NZ $118.12


GB 1955 Edward wmk set of 18 ½d - 1/6d MNH

GB 1955 Edward wmk set of 18 ½d - 1/6d MNH [sa 8m0628]

NZ $118.12


GB 1955 Castles Waterlow set 2/6d - £1 MNH

GB 1955 Castles Waterlow set 2/6d - £1 MNH [sa 8u0342]

NZ $216.56


GB 1952 Tudor wmk ½d - 1/6d set of 17 MNH

GB 1952 Tudor wmk ½d - 1/6d set of 17 MNH [sa 7u0418]

NZ $74.81